NOTE:: this is part of the smarty distribution - and presumably licenced under LGPL - it should not be distributed as part of Flexy - it is here only to test the flexy smarty emulator. {plugin(#smartyConfigLoad#,#test.conf#,#setup#)} {plugin(#smartyInclude#,#header.tpl#)}


Title: {configVars.title}


Title: {configVars.title}

The current date and time is {plugin(#smartyModifiers#,smarty[now],#date_format:"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"#):h}

Tooltip example: Move your mouse over the  onclick="return false;">Help link to see an example of a tooltip using Smarty's popup function.

The value of global assigned variable $SCRIPT_NAME is {SCRIPT_NAME}

Example of accessing server environment variable SERVER_NAME: {smarty[server][SERVER_NAME]}

The value of {$Name} is {Name}

variable modifier example of {$Name|upper}


An example of a section loop:

	 . {FirstName[outer]} {LastName[outer]}

	 * {FirstName[outer]} {LastName[outer]}


An example of section looped key values:

	phone: {contacts[sec1][phone]}
fax: {contacts[sec1][fax]}
cell: {contacts[sec1][cell]}

testing strip tags
This is a test

This is an example of the html_select_date function:
This is an example of the html_select_time function:
This is an example of the html_options function: