--TEST-- Template Test: conditions.html --FILE-- Conditions

a condition condition) {?> hello world

a negative condition condition) {?> hello world

a conditional method options['strict'] || (isset($t) && method_exists($t, 'condition'))) if ($t->condition()) { ?> hello world

a negative conditional method options['strict'] || (isset($t) && method_exists($t, 'condition'))) if (!$t->condition()) { ?> hello world

test) {?>test options['strict'] || (isset($t) && method_exists($t, 'test'))) if ($t->test()) { ?>test options['strict'] || (isset($t) && method_exists($t, 'test'))) if ($t->test("aaa bbb",$t->ccc,"asdfasdf asdf ")) { ?>test

Notices and errros

notices) {?>
notices['ok']) {?>

Submitted data is ok

errors) {?>
errors['lastname']) {?>
  • Please fill in your last name
  • ===With data file: conditions.html===


    a condition world

    a negative condition hello

    a conditional method

    a negative conditional method

    Notices and errros